The Alpha Course

Is there more to life than this?

Alpha offers an exciting opportunity to anyone who wishes to explore questions about faith and life in a relaxed environment. Any question can be asked, and discussion is welcome over coffee and eats.

For more information Alpha visit our Alpha page – LINK – or email

Contact Groups

Doing life together

Connect deeper into life at Lowe in a midweek small group, where we explore the Bible and pray together in homes across the community.  Each group is one of a kind with its own style of study and unique mix of friendly faces, as well as varying types of social get-togethers.  For more information contact

Presbyterian Women

Living for Jesus

A women’s organisation, PW meets together to explore faith, develop friendships and support global mission. With visiting speakers leading a wide range of fun activities and workshops, including flower arranging, African drumming and craft, there is something for everyone!

Meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 2:30pm.

For more information contact the church office on 07511157793 or email

Prayer requests

Commit it to God

Prayer is central to life at Lowe and prayer ministry is available after each Sunday service.  You can also avail of the online confidential prayer request – see below.  If you are going through a hard time, you don’t have to face it alone.  Please let us know how we can pray for you.

You can join our Tuesday evening Zoom Prayer Meetings at 7.30pm.  If you would like the link to be sent to you please email the office below.

For more information contact the church office on 07511157793 or email